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What Are the Different Types of Track and Field Uniforms?

Misty Amber Brighton
Misty Amber Brighton

There are many types of track and field uniforms to meet every age group, gender, and season. Some of these uniforms may consist of a pair of shorts and tank top for competing in warmer weather. Others might be warmup outfits that include a jacket and pants for colder weather. Children, teenagers, and adults can find uniforms that are sized to fit them, and some may be gender-specific as well. Schools can opt to have custom track and field outfits made with their school logo, name, and colors.

Many athletes prefer to compete simply in a pair of shorts and a tank top. Some track and field uniforms include matching shorts and sleeveless top, which can be worn when training in hot weather or while competing no matter what season. This track and field equipment is typically made of nylon in order to be somewhat waterproof. Shorts are typically around mid-thigh in length, and have an elastic waistband and slightly scooped sides. The top usually slips over the head with a scooped neckline and armholes.

A runner getting ready to compete in a track and field event.
A runner getting ready to compete in a track and field event.

Even though many runners like to wear shorts, the weather may not always allow them to do so. As a result, many athletes opt for track and field warmups. These may be worn over the top of shorts and a tank top or by themselves as a winter uniform. They might be made of polyester or nylon and have elastic around the waistband of both the top and bottom. Some may also have elastic at the wrists or ankles, and other styles may have a zipper near the ankle so the pants can be slipped on over track and field shoes.

Runners often wear matching tank tops and shorts.
Runners often wear matching tank tops and shorts.

People of all ages compete in track and field, so sizes range to fit both children and adults. Track and field uniforms made to fit children typically look much the same as those worn by adults. Sizes usually run from extra-small through extra-large in both instances.

Track and field uniforms are usually designed for either men or women, but some outfits may be unisex. Uniforms made for men might be wider at the waist, with larger armholes and necklines. Women's clothing usually fits sleeker, with more room in the hip and thigh area.

Many track athletes simply wear shorts and a tank top, especially during the summer.
Many track athletes simply wear shorts and a tank top, especially during the summer.

Custom track and field uniforms can be ordered for nearly any organization. A school can generally choose the color combination and request the school's name or mascot be printed on the top or jacket. Some manufacturers also provide the option of assigning a number to the uniform or printing the athlete's name on it as well.

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