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What is a Longboard Skateboard?

Alicia Sparks
Alicia Sparks

Like its name suggests, a longboard skateboard is one that is significantly longer than a traditional skateboard. That length, and certain differences in basic design, allow for a kind of skateboarding called “longboarding,” which is similar to surfing or snowboarding. Although longboards can perform in ways regular boards cannot, there are certain maneuvers, such as stunts, for which longboards are not ideal. Still, despite the differences in design and use, skateboarders should take the same safety precautions they would if they were riding regular skateboards. Skateboarders can find longboards at many of the same locations they would find traditional boards, though they can expect to pay a higher price for longboards.

Longboards and regular skateboards share many of the same basic features. For example, both types of boards have decks, wheels, trucks, riser pads, and bearings. When it comes to basic specifications, though, most longboards are between 35 and 60 inches (90 and 150 cm) in length. A skateboarder can choose from a variety of deck designs including the hybrid, pintail, and drop-deck designs, as well as the cruiser design which is most like the deck shape of a traditional skateboard. In addition to size and style options, someone shopping for a longboard skateboard has plenty of design options in terms of aesthetics, too.

Man with hands on his hips
Man with hands on his hips

Longboarding is the widely accepted general term for riding a longboard skateboard. Still, the term is often used to describe using a longboard for racing, cruising, sliding, or just traveling from one point to another. Unlike traditional skateboards, longboard skateboards are not good boards for performing stunts. Nevertheless, whether an amateur or a professional skateboarder, each rider should wear the same kind of safety gear as he would when riding a regular skateboard, including a helmet, knee and elbow pads, and gloves.

A skateboarder can shop for and purchase a longboard skateboard from most of the same places he can find regular skateboards. These locations include department stores, specialty shops that cater to skateboarders, and online retail venues. As with most types of purchases, it is best to shop around before selecting a longboard. Also, it is important to note that, typically, a longboard skateboard will cost more than a traditional skateboard. This might depend on the quality of the board’s construction, however, so the shopper should always be aware of the reputation of a particular company or brand before purchasing a board.

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